The Social Media Guru

Another "Xtranormal" movie, this one is topping the charts for this genre in YouTube at the moment... contains profanities!

Thanks to Jimmie for revealing another - one of the first go viral - "Working in the print media industry today" and for whetting my appetite on this platform.

Create a Text-to-Movie here

Google Wave Cinema: Pulp Fiction

If you have no idea as to what Google Wave is this is a great way of finding out what it can do.

City cardboard animation

In another dimension... Cardboard monsters seek giant cardboard insects in the city...

One of The Barefoot Doctors inspirational free email subscriptions

Of all the laws of metaphysics, perhaps the most basic and important is that the external world is a reflection of your interior realm. Hence, because there are inevitably aspects of your own psyche working against you at an unconscious level, from time to time, people will manifest in your life to give you aggravation. From the metaphysical viewpoint, they do this in order to show you what you’ve been doing to yourself without realizing. Realizing it, you can stop doing it if you choose and so progress in your self-healing process in the greater sense of the word (healing means literally, making whole).

And the key to dispelling any potential harm arising from the other person’s or persons’ actions towards you and to resolving the situation, according to the Taoist way of wu wei (effortless manifesting), is to speak to the 'background presence', the Tao of the situation, with a sincere heart and tell it you wish for the situation to resolve itself now. Then thank it for manifesting in the shape of the person or persons currently perceived to be giving you grief and (in your heart) thank that person or persons for playing their role so well, thereby showing you what you’ve been doing to yourself all the while without realising.

Then tell yourself, ‘I agree to stop generating this internal self-aggravation as of now.’ Finally shake hands with yourself and use this comforting gesture of closing your energy circuit as confirmation that your subconscious mind is already flushing out the self-harming pattern in question.

The discipline is then to repeat this every time you think about, hear from or in any way interact with whoever it is that’s been causing you grief and to eschew taking their actions personally, to keep seeing them with gratitude as a manifestation of the Tao come to show you what you’ve been doing to yourself and so heal it, rather than seeing them as your nemesis.

Like that, within but the shortest while, the situation will indeed resolve itself in the most unexpected and miraculous way.

This theme is lovingly expanded in the Monday Special Members’ DocBox.

Wish: everything in your life now resolves in the most miraculous way, starting immediately, leaving you smiling with astonishment and the deepest existential glee from all the way down in your pelvis to the tops of your ears and beyond.

Love, Doc

Danny MacAskill April 2009

You have heard of "Free Runners", how about "Free Bikers"?
This guy from the UK blows me away!

Good news for Troy Davis!

On Monday August 17th the U.S. Supreme Court ordered a new evidentiary hearing for death-row inmate Troy Davis. With its ruling, the nation's highest court decided that Davis should have another chance to prove his innocence before the state of Georgia puts him to death.

Troy Davis was convicted of killing police officer Mark MacPhail nearly two decades ago in a trial with no physical evidence. Seven out of nine state witnesses have since recanted or altered their initial testimonies in sworn affidavits. And one of the remaining witnesses is alleged to be the actual perpetrator.

Since the launch of its February 2007 report, Where Is the Justice for Me?, Amnesty International has campaigned intensively for a new evidentiary hearing or trial, as well as clemency for Davis, collecting hundreds of thousands of clemency petition signatures and letters from prominent individuals around the world.

Amnesty International has maintained all along that Troy's compelling case of innocence needs to see the light of day. Finally it will.

A quote from Nelson Mandela's inaugural speech

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world.

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

The above speech by Nelson Mandela was originally written by Marianne Williamson who is the author of other similar material.

Mr. Chart, Pai's best Trekking guide!

If you find yourself in Northern of Thailand this is definitely a great way to spend a 2 or 3 days... In the mountains!

"Wet NANA Dreamscape" goes to Hollywood!

Tension mounts as Jimmie Wing prepares to hop on a plane to Hollywood to his world premiere of his debut short film - "Wet NANA Dreamscape".... .

Wet NANA Dreamscape was conceived and created around Oscar Wilde's famous quote "We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars."

While drowning his sorrows in an outdoor café, a miserable young man perks up when he sees two alluring models eyeing him from across the way. Inevitably the chemistry of mutual lust brings them all together and they board a passing 3 wheeled Thai taxi. With a gorgeous model on either side of him, the young man is overjoyed, but just as he is anticipating double happiness, everything changes ....

Awake, day-dreaming or in the throes of a nightmare? People are not always who we expect them to be and things rarely go as planned.

Filmed entirely on location at the notorious Soi Cowboy in Bangkok Thailand, Wet NANA Dreamscape is comprised 90% of DSLR stills brought to life through a tight story line and skillful multi layered composite editing.

World premiere will be in the 7:45 LA Shorts session on Thursday 30th of July at 8000 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood. LA Shorts is the largest short film festival in the world. The Festival is accredited by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Festival winners in the primary categories are eligible for Academy nomination.